The GOP's Sham but Effective Slanderous Issue of Rising Crime
Under Democratic Party Elected Governance Leadership
The GOP sham-issue campaign of crime increase under Democratic
Party elected leadership governance is a stable one for the GOP in which even
though crime rates nationally have overall declined under the Democratic Party
leadership Clinton, Obama and Biden presidencies compared to and over those of
their GOP predecessor and successor presidencies, nevertheless crime, and
egregious crime, from household crime and street crime to organizational and institutional crime and to commercial crime and
white-collar crime of all kinds, of individual and group, folks white, pink,
black, brown, tan, yellowish and red, men, women, adolescent and child, lowly
and highly educated, and of no to high wealth perpetrators, occurs across all
presidencies and in all cities and towns all of the time, making crime and the
issue of crime an alway available politically demagogic issue of attack at any
time against a Democratic Party president, governor, mayor, attorney general,
district attorney or sheriff who does not fight back informationally and in
informational political campaigns with the truth-establishing facts.
The shocking new mode and trend of the crime of smash and grab, grab and dash, and mob and grab at jewelry, high-end boutique and department stores, typically recorded on store cameras and televised and picture printed in newspaper and online news, has wrongly become associated in much of the public mind with slack public governance and law-enforcement by and under elected governance officials of the Democratic Party. The naive and impractical slogan of "Defund the police," a slogan in disregard of crime being universal and endemic to human society and in defiance of overwhelming commonsense, asserted by GOP activists and political candidate critics of the Democratic Party as being the ideology and an agenda point of the Democratic Party is another falsehood that has hurt the Democratic Party, which does not represent the politics and historical political tactics of the organization that coined it. Both of these issues have been misassociated with and pinned on the Democratic Party and hurt the election bids of an important number or many of its candidates for elective offices.
While there are always fluctuations in crime rates in which there will or may be a periodic or current critical-level increase in a particular type or number of types of crime as well as against a particular demographic subpopulation of victims or set of such demographic victims, overall crime rates may not increase or may decline.
(Most of the people of the USA probably realize or know that the indeed real spike in violent attacks and harassment of US citizens and visitors in the US of Far Eastern Asian physical identity is tied to the public rhetoric in mockery and disparagement of China and Chinese culture that was repeatedly uttered by President Trump in his apparent reaction of upset to the investigative finding that the COVID-19 pandemic originated in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), as well as to conspiracies stories widely circulated in the US by right-wingers that the COVID-19 virus was a biological warfare agent or test agent created in the PRC and was deliberately or accidentally released from a microbiology lab in the PRC.)
Democratic Party candidates, fight back now and henceforth with
the facts, the data. I have read and heard the facts on crime in the news
ongoingly now and for decades leading to now.
The staple GOP campaign game is to slander Democratic Party
elective governance and law-enforcement office candidates as being weak on
crime control and punishment (while the GOP and its elected officials and candidates for elective public office almost unanimously oppose legislating, at any level of government, the banning of military featured and grade semiautomatic guns, accessories and munitions characteristically used in massacre murders that have become routine in the USA), to routinely offer tax reductions, favoring the rich
and big business (their premium, most valued political money donors), at the expense of public health and services support for the socioeconomically displaced and
indigent, with contempt and insensitivity toward homeless women, children,
adolescents, men, the disabled, the sick and elderly, and at the neglect of public
infrastructure left to decay, and at the sacrifice of and taxation of Social Security
pensions, to in part pay for the tax cuts by federal budget-management offsets, to blame Democratic Party elected officials for excessive taxing and social, as opposed to military, spending, and to blame elected Democratic
Party public governance officials for undocumented immigration [of primarily
nonwhite people], a problem they have done nothing about legislatively when
they were able to with their combined presidential and both Congressional
houses control, most recently under the expressively anti-Mexican Trump
presidency (maybe because duplicitously while they complain about undocumented
immigration to their grass-roots xenophobic constituency, they also want to
keep a supply of subminimum wage, with no fringe benefits, undocumented
immigrants and workers, with unrecognized legal rights in GOP-governed and
controlled states, coming, when needed, and finding their way to certain GOP-governed and controlled states and businesses wanting their labor).
Incidentally, the inflated gas, utilities-energy and food prices
are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic-related national social and business down-scaling and shutdowns, on a global basis, begun and mismanaged under the Trump presidency
for the US, drastically reducing employment, and the production of goods and their shipment to retailers and customers, resulting in shortages of goods relative to the local and global consumer demand and competition for them, and from the Putin regime of
Russia and its OPEC partner nations reducing the supply of oil and gas to NATO
member nations and the USA, driving up the price of the supplies of them
available in these nations. This inflation and these inflated prices are not
the cause of the Biden presidency.