Presidential Executive Orders Are Not Law
The US Constitution, the supreme law of the USA, specifically confers the bicameral US Congress with the exclusive authority to make federal laws, subject to the President's signature of approval of the law-making legislation, its enactment into law as an Act of the US Congress, or an overturning of a Presidential veto of the legislation by a two-thirds vote of approval of the legislation by the Congressional membership of each the US House of Representatives and the US Senate.
Trump, as judged by his actions as US president, is largely a K-thru-12-school basic-civics education dummy and conducts himself, with the manners of a pack of hyenas, as though he did not receive any good-citizenship education therein, as well, but was raised the like. He behaves as though he does not know that a Presidential executive order is not a law and that only the bicameral US Congress, by US Constitutional provision, is conferred and possesses the authority to make, that is, legislate, federal law, referred to as federal statutory law as distinguished from its grantor and superior, as well as nationally supreme, US Constitutional law. A Presidential executive order is a federal administrative policy directive of the President that for its lawfulness and legal legitimacy must be compliant with US Constitutional and US Congressional statutory law. It is applicable to the executive branch cabinet secretaries and agency heads for its-their implementation within federal executive branch departments and agencies. Again, it is not law and cannot overturn any law, federal, state or local, but it has the force of law pursuant to and in its application of [specific] federal US Constitutional and/or US Congressional statutory law, which it can enforce fully within the permissible bounds or manner of and for enforcing such law.