Feedback to Critic of Convergent Evolution
I received a comment on the forum Eons concerning the extinct saber-toothed big
cat species (saber-toothed tigers) saying that convergent evolution of its
saber teeth or like features by other, different species of that species' era
of existence could not have miraculously evolved the same or a similar trait
and that convergent evolution essentially is a fraud and indoctrination. I
replied to him in depth about how convergent evolution works and is a fact and
to the overall forum separately and compactly with the following commentary:
"Coincidence/co-in-cidence, also co-incidence, in reference to convergent morphology, being convergent evolution, occurs naturally on varying scales throughout nature, such as with the different cell species of the eukaryote type cell having a common cellular structure versus the different cell species of the prokaryote type cell having a different than the former but common structure, and with atoms regardless of their atomic species, element kind and atomic number, having a same organization and structure, for all by force of cosmological, evolutionary circumstantial nature. The convergent evolution of saber teeth, tusks, fangs and horns, etc., in different species, is initially, in their environmental as well as more specialized competitive and integrative ecological contexts or niches, natural-selection survivally adaptive strategy outcomes by and for different species. In the wild, overall evolution, as well as convergent evolution, proceeds by, 1. “beneficial mutations,” like light or dark skin color resulting from, and differentially functionally better compatible with, cold and lower-light versus hot and sunny climate (thermal and light exposure, amplitude and intensity conditions), 2. "circumstantial mutations that may be neutral, positive or negative" that are induced and distributed widely in a population segment of a species by its breeding isolation and insularity over many generations of offspring from the rest of its [general direct source] species, 3. “adaptations” (anatomical, physiological, somatic, or body or body-part, change brought about in the body by the bodies of the organism species acclimating ((in all regards, including biochemically and microbiomically)), adjusting and survivally fitting the species into the environment or ecological niche of its habitation or operation, or both -- change agents that in the wild include local animal species culture in which, in particular, the change related consequential gainful, rewarding and successful environmentally interactive behaviors or practices of the species of organism or their bodies become normative, generationally, and can spread within the species to other distant locations), such as, in contrast to our great ape species cousins ((chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans, gibbons, which have four hands or four hand-feet, Photos of the feet of the great apes - Yahoo Image Search Results, 704 Ape Foot Stock Photos, Images & Photography | Shutterstock)), non-hand-feet, in which the fingers and thumb of horizontally locomoting quadrupedal great-ape back feet-hands (gradually configure or reconfigure and change/develop) into toes, on bipedal, upright locomoting or ambulating (walking, skipping, hopping, jumping and running) primates, hominins, inclusive of humans, better for long-distance running and enabling hominin and humans’ front arms and hands, freed from locomoting the body quadrupedally upon the ground and gripping trees, or their parts, to routinely carry things, make and handle things, importantly, tools and weapons, and to hunt, fish, work, gather, accumulate and stock or store things, and 4. “general, not exclusive, reproductive preference,” hierarchically, for individuals best able to survive (including to fight), function, do, compete, get, produce and thrive associated with the trait/s produced in them by the environment and by their competitively, etc., advantaged physical, behavioral, performance and skill (including talent propensity, like musical ability as observed in the dancing displays of some bird and lizard species, singing in bird species, and singing and dancing in all human races and ethnicities, with tiers of talent across the individuals, and like fighting ability for most species, with tiers and scales of baseline ability across individuals) set of biologically hereditary and experientially acquired traits, ontogenic endowment, or such individual-differences trait profile, in scales or variations and gradations of the traits of the body and its parts and the idiosyncratic design inflections or subtlties of these. This state of affairs does not mean that low reproduction preference individuals do not get to mate and reproduce but that higher and highest preference males and females get more mating and reproduction opportunities and dominance as well as wherewithal and opportunity to better privilege their offspring in species populations, in general. These forces of evolution, in the case of convergent evolution, account for the ability to fly with wings of diverse species such as most birds, bats, dragonflies, queen ants, butterflies, moths, honey and bumble bees, wasps, fireflies, common flies, mosquitoes, praying mantises, etc. There is also a species of near-flight flying squirrels whose individuals sail in the air, with a kite-like modification of their bodies while doing so, from tree to tree, Photos of flying squirrels - Yahoo Image Search Results , Photos of flying squirrels - Yahoo Search Results ,"
One might even be able to scientifically classify the extinct saber-toothed big
cat's saber teeth as tusks, that by interactive gender attractiveness dynamics
eventually became therein evolutionarily high-preference in desirability, to
the female saber-toothed cats, traits (ornamentally so more than practically)
for natural-selection reproductive mating and breeding, apparently like the
tusks of walruses and two-tusked narwhals are now.
However, when such traits become ornamental (become functionally autonomous,
such as ornamentally or aesthetically highly valued and divorced from the
survival and perpetuation of the species) and survivability disadvantaged, they
can contribute or lead to the extinction of the species.
Saber teeth of the saber-toothed big cats may have gradually
developed and culminated initially in
these cats into an adaptation of extraordinarily competitive and effective defensive
and attack fighting and hunting dagger
teeth that by having been external and large were also scary and intimidating to ferocious competitor predator
species, conferring predatory free reign to them, apart from with same species
predation and reproductive mating-rights competitors, as well as special power status
and sexual-mating desirability and attractiveness for them within the species
and therein priority in breeding preference rights commensurate with their size, increasing them by sex
and breeding selection much further to excessive and purposefully impractical
size, though they may have remained frightening as tusks and have been more
frightening in their oversize, as perceived external saber or fanged teeth, to
competitor predator species. Even if
they became less deadly with their mouths, they would probably have known and been able
to hunt and fight as well as maul and kill with their powerful legs-arms and
deadly big-cat claws. The tusks of large
tusked animals of our era, such as of elephants on land and walruses in oceans,
especially when they are in groups, may be perceived as scary to and intimidate
or make cautious predator species, as may the external fanged teeth of musk
deer, Musk
deer - Yahoo Image Search Results, and multiple species of vampire deer, Vampire Deer Facts (why some deer
have fangs) - World Deer , Vampire Deer
Exist: These Musk Deer With Fangs Are Terrifyingly Cute - The Dodo.
In brief, biological evolution is the biological structural modification (gradual or incremental, cumulative genomic and morphological) of a species with the reproductive descent of the species over long time spans of many generations, in its interaction with and its, via its members and their individual differences in physical and functional traits (individual difference endowments), ability to negotiate and adapt to and survive and thrive in the environment, or its ecological niche, through the multifactorial circumstantial processes of environmental and reproductive natural selection. Mutagenic and bio-adaptive change, and therefore, evolution, takes place in bacteria and viruses very rapidly in comparison to multicellular and such complex organisms. Behavior, or behavioral training, in itself, that does not systemically and systematically impact on, generationally, and change the anatomy and physiology and that has not biologically stabilized, or anchored, that change of a species, has not been proven to be [linearly or reliably] heritable and evolutionary for the offspring of mere individuals or family lineages, though it may be facilitated and optimized for them by social nurture. However, mass-scale majority-population exposure to a critical level and duration of radiation, chemical-toxin or deleterious-microbial or pathogenic agent...
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