Elon Musk Comments on Nazi-Like Salute Controversy https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/elon-musk-comments-on-nazi-like-salute-controversy/ar-AA1xyBp8?ocid=socialshare
The Hitler salute, accompanied with the slogan Heil Hitler!, meaning Hail Hitler, or the slogan Sieg heil!, meaning hail to victory [militarily of Nazi Germany], was derived from and a modification of the Mussolini Italian fascist salute, of which the latter was derived from and a revival of the Roman imperial armed forces and political salute with the slogan Hail Caesar! or Hail Rome! Il Duce Benito Mussolini and his Italian fascist party and movement preceded and were the military-political model of the Der Fuhrer Adolph Hitler NAZI Party and movement of their fascist Germany (NAZI, National Socialist Workers Party, Germany). Il Duce means the leader in Italian and Der Fuhrer means the leader in German. The Mussolini Italian fascists had their black shirt street fighters and the Hitler German NAZI fascists came to have their brown shirt street fighters, violent political goon-thug-brawlers, against their political competitors, opposition and detractors in their struggles or quests for political ascendency in their nations. Incidentally, Adolph Hitler was born and raised as a youth in Austria but became a German foot soldier in WWI and citizen.
On the way to the political rise and reign of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis in and their overthrow and replacement of the Weimar Republic of Germany, the Nazis engaged in street fights with the socialists of Germany, who were socially formidable and very popular with the masses of the German people. Hitler and the Nazis stole their political popularity and cachet and broke their attractiveness and influence by adopting and incorporating the name socialist ('Socialist Workers') as part of the name for their German fascist political movement, backed by German deposed and archaic royals as well as oligarchs and clandestinely by some of the leadership in the Weimar Republic's army, similar to the doings of Trump and the MAGA, wolves in sheep's clothing, did, from 2016 to 2025, with the populist but nonviolent Bernie Sanders socialist populist political movement in the USA. The Nazis were fascists and not socialists, although they had some socialist practices, such as government provided soup kitchens and shelters or housing for the indigent and destitute of Germany. In intention and action, it was the Nationalist Party of Germany and cosmetically the populist National "Socialist Workers" Party of Germany.
The dictatorship, totalitarian, industrial-oligarchical, military-police-state authoritarian-society fascists, except for Franco fascist Spain, believed in imperial power for themselves and what is tantamount to themselves as being the master race (or, incredibly and laughably, races, since there was a multiplicity of them, such as Italy, Germany, Japan, Portugal and Spain, with Spain contracting as a colonial power in part because of a republic-versus-fascism civil war in Spain in pre-WWII, which was won by the fascists, Bing Videos ) and the dominance of their society and people over others and ventured to militarily conquer and colonize other societies and people. And none were agnostic, atheist or secular societies and nations, confirmed by the historical record. On the contrary, religion was politically supported and promoted in them. The formal fascist movement was a political-military phenomenon of the pre-WWII and WWII era.
He is symbolically, by his emphatic display of the explicit and notorious gesture of the fascist-Nazi salute, gesturally communicating his identification and solidarity and common cause with the ethno-, phenotype and pseudo-racial (such as blond-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned, meso-ectomorph-physique superhumans or a religio-deified or manifest-destiny chosen people or master race) chauvinist and racial supremacist mindset of fascism and Nazism and their current political-descendent devotees. Weeks to days before this public, emphatic fascist-Nazi salute of his, news stories on him reported his support for far right-wing political candidates for elective public office in Germany and Britain, for example: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2025/01/09/elon-musk-german-far-right-party-hitler/77584508007/ , Elon Musk's chat with German far-right AfD candidate draws alarm : NPR , EU politicians warn against Elon Musk's incursions into European politics - ABC News (go.com) .
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