Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Political Crystal Ball of History & The Riot-Hijacked BLM Intended Peaceful Protests of Late May 2020

Viewing Through the Political Crystal Ball of History the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Crowd Protests of the Blatantly Wrongful Police Asphyziation Killing of Handcuffed and Behaviorally Passive George Floyd that Have Become Hijacked and Warped into Violence-Wracked and Looting Riots in Numerous Major US Cities
Unfortunately, the odds quite, quite possibly may have been reset by the warping of the intended peaceful Black Lives Matter crowd protests of the death of George Floyd -- handcuffed and prostrate-on-the-ground, facing-down with his head tilting sideways, and physically subdued by three assisting police officers -- who was pointlessly, except for sadistic motive, and macabrely knee-choked and asphyxiated by police officer Derek Chauvin of and in the city of Minneapolis, MN, on May 25, 2020. (Do not be smug about short-term, near-term voter polling results given that these polls are inclined to sharp and frequent volatility over the long term and that the candidates' direct-campaign politicking offensives and counteroffensives are not yet under way) The peaceful protests branched into raging violence-partying riots of arson, looting and property assault and destruction by sideshow opportunist thieves, vandals and violence revelers across numerous major cities in the USA, riot rogues and revelers assaulting, looting and destroying wholesale the property and businesses of innocent others who had nothing to do with the terrible public torture and snuff killing act by the guilty police officers, which is absolutely illogical and immoral, in addition to being inarguably gravely criminal, and has no justification for or justice to it, destroying their investments and destroying and disrupting their commerce services and products, and the rentals and jobs they provided in the affected communities and turning the ravaged and devastated community areas into destruction-fallout, development-no-go zones and wastelands. Indeed they reflected themselves to be protest-venue-and-event opportunist tag-alongs and bystanders of loitering, lurking-in-wait and double-dealing vandals, burglars, robbers, run-of-the-mill, everywhere, commonplace, ordinary thieves and violence partiers, as well as irresistibly likely included an all-you-can-get, freebie bingo-time flood of muggers, shoplifters, purse-snatchers, pickpockets, smash-and-grab dashers and gangbangers, all eager to pounce, plunder, batter and destroy in their disguises under cover of darkness and the smokescreen of numerous [police-response distracting and diversionary] fires and conflagrations set in part by their [diversionary] arson, initiated by white anarchists and agents provocateur (probably some black ones too on occasion) who psychologically incite and unleash them into action by initiating the vandalism and anarchy, kind of like shark hunters dumping bloody meat into shark-infested waters and sending the sharks into a feeding frenzy.
(I read all of the writing of Black Muslim, Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad, as well as much of the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., Franz Fannon, and WEB DuBois and other Black American and Africa thinkers, scholars and leaders, in my independent reading in high school and my early college years, among whom Elijah Muhammad, unimpressive and fringe to me, made a memorable remark, that has come to haunt me as a personal observation of mine, in his saying that he was a messenger to scripturally "a 'foolish people,' the lost and found people of ..." His famous follower the repeated champion heavyweight-boxer flamboyant Muhammad Ali I once read memorable words of in, to the best of my recall, a citation from an old Ebony Magazine, germane to this reference "foolish people," that roughly to the effect were "Until black people are uplifted mentally and spiritually, everywhere they go they will carry the slum ((a morally substandard or repugnant mentality)) with them and turn everywhere they go into a slum," in the misbehavioral sense. Socially and politically, there is the problem for us from without and within: we need to acknowledge and be mindful of this, and remedy it therapeutically and spiritually.) The reset odds, by these events, would revive the hitherto failing candidacy and campaign of incumbent POTUS Trump for reelection to the US Presidency. Previously, like riots made Richard Nixon US president and Ronald Reagan governor of California, with that legacy contributing to making Reagan a US president later, too. Both law-and-order-identity Republicans successfully politically exploited like riots of their political careerism times. The only credible solution to preventing the reelection of POTUS Trump is for us and our elected and informal leaders to separate ourselves in direct words and loud voices from such community immorality, violence and destruction in mentality and conduct, and their acolytes, and reject and condemn them all, as well as incessantly to call for and try to put a permanent stop to it lawfully and peacefully, and vote to the maximal extent that we can.

Our collectively active voting power (voter and vote power) is our strongest and most pragmatic social-political change-agent power, as well as such peace/ful power.
We must not further give POTUS Trump a viable path to reelection as US President on November 3rd of 2020. Please, let us exercise our smarts. I will no longer argue with rationalizers and arguers in support of riots and looting (their rationale being, among other analogous arguments, "...because they ((the looters)) are taking what they need, don't have and cannot afford and because the Wall Street investors and banks looted the American people and econcomy and were not criminally prosecuted but were bailed out of financial collapse with taxpayer money and given big tax cuts, and what they did was not called looting..." which is self-justification specious sociopathic, criminal-values-mode reasoning [citing as justification for their ((the looters')) wrongs the successful or escaped-from-justice criminal and morally reprehensible wrongs of others] characteristic of some articulate white-collar thieves as well of some articulate swindlers, murderers, war-criminals, rapists, pedophiles, etc., that they use to try to excuse or downplay the gravity of their crimes) as well as with those who disruptively punish, or justify punishing, the lives or activities of persons and entities not parties to transgressions against others (in paraphrase of their argument for disrupting and punishing nonparticipants: "because, in the case of government and the police, they [pay taxes that] support civil or government systems and because they are not our political activists, essentially taking orders from us," taxes which almost all of us must and do pay, if only sales taxes also from the poorest and homeless of us, when we buy something from law-abiding vendors). They are ignorant and mistaken in asserting that the business-casualty victims have business insurance that will restore their businesses or compensate them for their business loss or losses because they have to have it to be in business -- no, anybody can go into business in the USA (a business is a self-employment job in which operators offer services and/or products for sale) and most business owners depend on the business net-income, for most small businesses being modest to subsistence net-income (take-home, personal income), from their business to pay their personal essential living expenses, and many small business operators do not have and cannot afford business-related insurance/s and risk operating without it and those who do have it normally have to pay substantial deductibles for limited-in-coverages casualty losses; they only need by law to register and license their businesses with government business authorities appropriate for their type of business and pay their business-related publication, registration and license fee and annual renewal license fees as well as periodically, as prescribed by law, report their business income and expenses and pay their various business-related taxes to the appropriate government tax agencies.

     As a consequence of the riot-violence-and-destruction hijacking of the current BLM crowd protests, businesses large to small will again flee riot-devastated black communities and have deaf ears to investing in them from the pleas to do so of black and liberal white politicians and social-economic egalitarian economists and academicians. If there is rebuilding in the vandalized, looted and burned-out commercial zones, it will be for in-your-face buy-low and sell-high gentrification of the devastated areas with the population replacement, over time, largely of the current black population. The attraction of mainstream corporate and other white business development and operations in black communities in Minnesota was to the positive and thriving non-white business environment established by Arabs, South Asians and Somalis/immigrant Africans, etc., highly entrepreneurial and numerous such people in the major cities there, many of whom too have lost their businesses and are depressed, angry and financially stranded and at wits-end now -- insurance will mainly or only cover the losses of the big corporate chain businesses (which may afford to be and be self insured, as there may be no riot-casualty insurance or the cost and deductible/s for it may be extreme and unaffordable except for high-wealth businesses, given insurance company losses and aversion to offering it from past black community riots), big businesses which will take cash reimbursements and not rebuild there but are leaving, and one or more has/have so said in the press. White and non-black people will not want black families, especially any but clearly the most respectful-respectable ones in token numbers, residing in their communities and resent us visiting or shopping in their communities, and our present largely black communities, in which the business predation and destruction took place, will not, for the most part, have supermarkets, department stores and fast-food or proprietory eateries at which to shop and buy, forcing the people in them, and the riot rogues among them, to go to other, outside communities to meet their shopping needs.  This same set of post-riot circumstances applies to the black communities of numerous other cities that subsequently have similarly suffered the same source of riot-related property casualties. 

     Contrary to the pronunciations by the eloquent, shallow-minded rock-the-mic and sociopathic speechmakers, like TM, addressing some protest audiences (live or through the broadcast media) and excusing the property destruction ["other peoples' property destruction," not theirs and that of their relatives and friends] as an okay or necessary message to America or US authorities that lives matter more than property [destruction and looting], such a comparison and concocted, false conflict of priorities is unreasonably and unnecessarily and insanely made and is idiotic, specious sociopathic reasoning in that property hella matters too and provides for families and all other people shelter and heat when it's cold and cooling when it's too-hot via indoors air conditioning; indoor lighting and electrical power outlets for appliances and electronic wares; baths, showers and sinks for personal hygiene and disease control; kitchen sinks for washing our food, dishes and other other dining and cooking utensils and ware for disease and sickness control, kitchen cabinets and refrigerators for storing our food and cooking ranges for cooking it; clothing washers and dryers for washing our dirty clothes and drying them for cleanliness and disease control; toilets for our multiply daily biologically-compulsory defecating and urinating for health maintenance and disease control; bedrooms for our resting and sleeping, with closets for storing our clothes; and garage or parking space for keeping our personal transportation vehicles.  Furthermore, business property is a resource for engaging in commerce and earning a living, as well as for educating and skills training, plus.  Whether they are business or residential buildings, people pay a large or the major portion of their income/earnings to rent or buy, by mortgage installment payments, them.  When their property, whether owned or rented, is destroyed they are deprived of their property use and its services, its previous environment and the offering of its environment, until they are accorded, as a partial substitute, temporary compensatory accommodations, if they have property-casualty insurance and it covers property casualty from rioting, which is questionable.  Nevertheless, insurance companies can justifiably substantially increase property insurance rates for the riot-assaulted communities. 

     The property and looting victims are not dispensible casualty pawns of rhetorical strangers and political sociopaths who would use them as a symbolic sacrifice, destroying or smashing their investments and taking away and wreaking havoc on their shelters, to make a symbolic political statement.   Those public speakers who justify, excuse and implicitly, or worse, promote riots and riot violence, destruction and looting should be sued penniless by victims for their abetting and incitement of the property-crime perpetrators, perhaps in class-action lawsuits, and be financially boycotted and sanctioned (in access to renting or buying a residence ((including a hotel-suite or room rental)) or vehicle, getting a loan or credit, or a bank or credit union account, or phone service, or sports-stadium, restaurant, concert, nightclub, bar or liquor-store admittance or service, etc.), by the whole economic system, black, other minorities and, of course, white, for a lifetime.  State AGs or municipal DAs should also prosecute and obtain court-ordered financially compensatory judgments for the riot-related property-casualty victims against the arrested and convicted riot-involved vandals, arsonists, assailants and looters of the destroyed and assaulted property.  Property is economics and personal economics, which is survival, standard of living and quality of life. 

     We must not participate in or condone any violence, arson, vandalism, looting or destruction or defacement against or of the property of others, especially others who had no specific involvement in the police or otherwise institutional or vigilante violence perpetrated against unarmed and physically nonconfrontational, noncombative black people, guilty or innocent of a prevailing crime or its absence.  If a political rally and march organizer-and-activist African-American-woman firebrand speaker, an African-American female attorney or African-American Congresswoman, in live public speeches or in the broadcast media (radio, TV, social media video/s), condones such conduct in association with Black Lives Matter protest events and tries to justify it as due payback and collateral damage on the part of the perpetrators in carrying out payback for the violence against and economic exploitation of black people and other racial and ethnic minorities by white supremacists or people over their history in the USA or as okay in taking what they need or as okay or necessary for getting political attention for their grievance/s, be leery of them and politely or privately shun her message.  Their such rhetoric, being parrotted by some ordinary folks, including articulate adolescents and young adults in the broadcast media, prods or incites a violence and criminal sideshow alongside the publicly and politically staged protest events of BLM and could seriously dishonor, discredit and politically undermine the public messaging and peaceful protest public events of BLM while poisoning relations between black communities, BLM and many peaceful white people and communities of goodwill as well as induce tensions, conflict and grievance between BLM and black people who are economically invested as homeowners, motor-vehicle owners and business owners as well as employed workers and shoppers in the communities assaulted by the sideshow attackers.  Whereas they say that the riots, anarchy and property-destruction sideshows to the BLM protests brought necessary attention to the BLM protests, it really was the viewing of the viral video by people across the world on social media of the wholly unwarranted, senseless, sadistic and callous killing of face-down and thus prostrate George Floyd with his hands handcuffed behind his back and him being slowly asphyxiated to death by a police officer that outraged the world, and it was this and the peaceful BLM protests themselves, despite the sideshow short-term riots and anarchy, that attracted national and world sympathy and support for George Floyd and the BLM protests of his murder by a killer cop and linked protests of a very long series of similar shocking deaths of unarmed and non-combative black people by police.  They are also delivering or pushing the minority black people of the USA in the direction of a pretextual civil-unrest state of emergency and declaration of martial law by largely unConstitutional, unscrupulous and eccentric POTUS Donald Trump and the wishful new civil war and race war against black Americans that part of Trump's constituency openly calls for, in a nation in which white people remain the 60%-plus majority and dominate the police and armed forces overall by circa 70% to 70%-plus.  There are even flanks of pro-Trump, openly armed white vigilante militiamen standing by and onlooking at some of the BLM rallies, as though they are waiting and ready, given a BLM event riot itself, to militarily support police anti-riot action and start shooting the BLM participants -- not vigilante shooting of the sideshow arsonists, looters, etc. -- and initiating their wishful race war, new US civil war.  These three public speakers are either strategically naive or death-wish (unbeknownst to themselves consciously), terrible strategic thinkers. 

     Black Property Matters, Too!; Everybody's Property Matters!  And so do the black lives matter of those killed in an epidemic of killings by our fellow black people and white and other vigilantes throughout the USA, in addition to the egregious problem of police killings of particularly unarmed black people and black people who do not pose a clear and present armed and confrontational danger to law-enforcement persons or others, an epidemic that gets no or little visible protest and problem-solving attention and action from any social improvement or justice movement, as is the case with particularly the problem of school and workplace gun violence and all other forms of violence thereat in the USA (about which POTUS Trump and the GOP majority of the US Senate put gun manufacturer, seller, buyer and owner rights and interest above the lives of the citizenry, including society's innocent children and adolescents), that have become epidemic until the COVID-19 pandemic mass-sheltering and quarantine.  We need continuous, annually, ethics or morality interpersonal, social conduct and respectfulness education and training, including others' perspective, victim and transgressor, role-play training, at all levels of school, in all public and private institutions and on the job. 

I have in mind only one proven and eminently successful strategy model for the achievement of positive and constructive political-social change, or evolution, for African Americans/Black Americans to recommend for guidance and emulation, which is the civil-rights leadership example and strategically intelligent and peaceful model of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of the 1960s. Were it not for Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his leadership of high mindedness, sound, moral reasoning and peace and intelligent peaceful strategy and means for civil rights and social-political change, there would be no "semblance" of equal opportunity employment, equal opportunity education, nondiscriminatory voting rights, nondiscriminatory housing and access to public accommodations, which became law in the 1960s, and the bulk of us legally, by legal racial discrimination, would not be allowed to do anything other than the most menial work and would not even be able to work at or buy from or eat at a McDonald's Restaurant. The social benefits of his leadership extended to all other marginalized minorities and people: Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians of all kinds, women, homosexuals, etc. Also, remember that the racist faction or streak in white Americans, of North and South America, annihilated the Native American population by 130,000,000 to between circa 14,000,000+/- to 7,000,000+/- or less by 1691 ("By 1691, the population of indigenous Americans had declined by 90-95 percent, or by around 130-million people. According to geographers from University College London, the colonization of the Americas by Europeans killed so many people it resulted in climate change and global cooling," source is Wikipedia), reduced in the USA during the anti-Indian Wars of the 1800s from between an estimated 5,000,000 and 15,100,000 to 238,000 by the late 1800s (source is and then largely interned them, the survivors, on Indian reservations; they burned down Chinatowns of the USA, passed the [Anti-]Asian [Immigration] Exclusion Act of 1924, interned virtually the entire Japanese Population of the USA during WWII; forcefully deported between 300,000 and 1,300,000 Mexican-heritage residents of the US under the Eisenhower Presidency in the 1950s, including unknown numbers of these who were Mexican-American US citizens. Black-Americans/African-Americans, we are a modest-sized racial minority in the US and no other racial minority has civically or publicly collectively supported our civil-rights causes and most don't care to be our neighbors (rationally so given our history of rioting and riot-looting, whereas no other minorities riot-loot and burn down their communities and businesses), be our employers or do business with us and prefer association with racist whites over us until the white racists turn on them. That dangerous and monstrous faction or mentality of white people enslaved us and colonized our ancestral homelands and mass murdered each other, and among themselves, in Europe and Turkey during WW-I and WW-II and many times before then. Trump and his 2nd-Amendment gun-nut, pro KKK, NAZI, Civil-War Confederacy and other white-supremacist sado-necromaniacs would have no hesitation to doing away with us given sufficient executive government control by their ilk. White people are still more than 60% of the population and voters in the USA, in which a maximum of 39% of them voted for Barack Obama between his two elections to the US presidency. By the way, peace movements also brought about the independence of India-Pakistan from British colonial rule, brought down the Marcos dictatorship, and its replacement with democracy, in the Philippines, substantially contributed toward ending the neo-colonial US war in Viet Nam, brought down the totalitarian Soviet Union and freed its constituent member nation-states, contributed substantially toward bringing down the slavery and garrison-state white-minority apartheid regime of South Africa, brought about regime change in the virtual dictatorships of Arab North Africa and Asia Minor during the Arab Spring, brought down the dictatorship of Sudan, when whole, and recently the virtual dictatorship of Northern Sudan...

Lack of conscience, or corruption of the latter, and immorality, or the absence of morality, are the true roots of all evil, in thought, speech and action. Immorality in response to immorality breeds more immorality and complicates and compounds immorality. Immorality in large part is the gratuitous or unnecessary infliction or perpetration of harm or condoning it implicitly or explicitly.