Monday, August 28, 2023

Revision of the History and Nature of Black Plantation Slavery in the USA by the Slavery System Sympathizers and Apologists (Defender-Excusers) in Political Power

Revision of the History and Nature of Black Plantation Slavery in the USA by the Slavery System Sympathizers and Apologists in Political Power

The Censoring, Bleaching, Whitewashing and Varnishing of the Slavery of Black People in the USA by Its Sympathizers and Apologists in Political Power

Ron DeSantis and his fellow ideologues in historically notoriously racist Florida government are consciously obnoxiously varnishing totalitarian, internment-camp plantation, dehumanization-abuse, traumatization, medical-experimentation, torture, mayhem, rape, sexual-exploitation (of females and males, youth and adults, of their and their associates' pick, largely)

(David Hogg 🟧@davidhogg111.F-ck Ron DeSantis for acting surprised when somebody acts on his hateful rhetoric. )

and -perversion of every kind and murderous, hellish chattel slavery as being a personal-skills-benefitting apprenticeship program for "some slaves, following the US Civil War and its emancipation proclamation and legislatively and presidentially enacted 13th Amendment of the US Constitution that abolished slavery," whereas slavery -- coercive, totalitarian existential and labor bondage, supplied by the mass force-of-arms abduction, trafficking, trade and human livestock breeding of black Africans and generationally their children -- was a primarily cruel and brutal plantations' agricultural, facilities, household, and around-the-clock, all weather conditions from freezing to scotching, cradle-to-grave white-slave-master and family benefitting and productivity worker, servant, caretaker and sitter service, business model and economic paradigm, without financial and injury, disability, equity and retirement compensation or rights or protections for slaves. Moreover, infanticide, notoriously using black babies as alligator bait, and putting down or euthanizing of obsolete, unsalable slaves were practiced under plantation slavery. Education of slaves was illegal in southern states. However, some slaves were limitedly educated and trained, for the budgetary and financial benefit of slaveowners and their plantations' property development, improvement and maintenance and not for the personal use and benefit of building, smithing, etc., trades trained slaves. Neither trades-skilled slaves nor any slaves intended to be free in the southern states, nor was slavery intended by the southern states to ever be ended. The building trades skills of building trades educated and trained slaves built the Whitehouse and federal government buildings of Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia), . Slavery plantations were equivalent to agricultural factory production, reside-on estates.

With the end of slavery, in November of 1865, racially discriminatory, anti-Negro Jim Crow laws and business and labor guild practices in all states, if not also territories, of the USA for the most part denied skilled black laborers employment using and the commercial use of their skilled labor for the purpose of economically protecting skilled-trades white workers and businesses from competition with freed skilled-trades black labor. As a result, the bulk of black labor in the USA, apart from famous sociologist E. Franklin Frazer's definitional black bourgeoisie (doctors, dentists, lawyers, publishers, ministers, college professors, teachers, nurses, government workers, solvent boutique and small business operators, extraordinary musicians, before racial integration, confined to "Negro" ghettos, and recently extraordinary athletes), has, historically and traditionally, been grunge and menial labor and black Americans have been highly underrepresented as entrepreneurs in private enterprise, in business.

To the surprise of new generations of young black people at their age of emancipation, they find that black people in the USA do not own any major businesses, other than few modestly sizable entertainment, fashion, hair and beauty-care businesses. Historically, we have not been welcome in business, other than in business services white people have not wanted to provide to black people. I am reluctant to say (but must state the truth) that disgraced GOP President Richard Nixon's fizzled agenda of Black Capitalism, The Plan to Build a Capital for Black Capitalism | The New Yorker , has been the only and most realistic economic plan to address this economic deficit via his plan or concept of involving on a large-scale the business-participation of black people, in black business, for the self-help economic upliftment of the black people of the USA on a mass scale in the USA.  Richard Nixon resigned as US president under pressure from both of the major political parties for his criminal conduct while serving in office as president of the USA, Nixon resigns | August 8, 1974 | HISTORY.

DeSantis and his ideologue fellows in their censoring, bleaching, whitewashing and varnishing of white-racist [plantation, etc.] slavery of black American people are politically using the immoral and cruel tactic of faulting, blaming and smearing the victim for the victim's, or plural of these, victimization, in this case by their forebears or ancestors and their own abusive and discriminatory modified perpetuation of their shared legacy and in the attempt to absolve themselves in public perception, in optics politics [political cosmetics only], of their malevolence.



Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Little Leaguer Ron DeSantis Scrambling for Survival in USA Big League Politics

Little League Dullard Ron DeSantis Dithering & Scrambling in USA Big League Politics

Why has GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis suddenly mustered the gumption to criticize rival GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and his GOP nobody-but-Trump personality-cult MAGA voter bloc, Ron DeSantis Calls Trump Supporters ‘Listless Vessels’ Ahead of GOP Debate ( The answer is because he is an others' strategy appropriator and imitator, namely, of the moment, of Chris Christie's, Poll puts Christie second to Trump in New Hampshire as DeSantis fades | Republicans | The Guardian,  What Will Chris Christie Do Without Trump at the GOP Debate? - The New York Times (, THE RISING: Chris Christie makes surprising surge in NBC News poll (

First, it was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' imitation of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's year 2022 deportation and human trafficking of undocumented immigrants by buses and airplane flights to primarily, but not, though almost, exclusively, black mayoralty cities in non-Southern political majority blue states, which initially was politically popular for Abbott in Texas and upon DeSantis' appropriation and imitation of it, it was popular for him too and boosted his popularity in Florida, and they were both reelected in the November of 2022 midterm national elections as governor of their respective states by landslide voter majorities. In parallel, it was now governor-elect of Virginia Glenn Youngkin's 2022 election campaign of war on Woke, against attention to white-racist slavery of and Jim Crow post-USA-Civil War racial discrimination against black people and truth telling about them in black history teaching in VA public schools he emulated in Florida upon his victory speech in being reelected governor, in which he proclaimed that Florida is where Woke comes to die, whereinafter he directed the bleaching and white-washing in Florida's public schools of Black American/African American history, the varnishing of totalitarian, internment-camp plantation, dehumanization abuse, traumatization, medical experimentation, torture, mayhem, rape, sexual exploitation and perversion of every kind and murder, hellish chattel slavery as being a personal skills benefitting apprenticeship program for some slaves, whereas slavery -- coercive, totalitarian existential and labor bondage -- was a primarily cruel and brutal plantations' agricultural, facilities, household, and around-the-clock, cradle-to-grave white-slave-master and family benefitting and productivity worker, servant, caretaker and sitter service, business model and project, without financial and injury, disability, equity and retirement compensation or rights or protections, and he directed the ending of diversity, equity and inclusion practices in all state of Florida government, apparently state and local government, employment, in copying Governor Gregg Abbott in doing the same first, before him. Glenn Youngkin's white-hysteria stoking anti-Woke black history teaching campaign made him governor of Virginia and popular with white voters broadly in the 2022 midterm elections. Next, it was DeSantis' appropriation and imitation of Donald Trump's soft stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine that rapidly was a net-losing political position for him in the GOP, though not, within and by the GOP, for exempt from all norms, rules and laws Donald Trump, on which DeSantis expediently and promptly reversed his stance to one of rhetorical support for Ukraine. Now that DeSantis observes that his and Trump's GOP rival presidential candidate the former governor of New Jersey and a former federal prosecutor of distinction Chris Christie steadfastly speaks out against 1) the insurrectionist, if not also treasonous, misconduct of Donald Trump at the denouement stage of his presidency to remain in office as POTUS though he lost his reelection bid for the presidency fairly and squarely, by all official accounting and accounts, of the GOP and the Democratic Party, to now POTUS Joe Biden of the Democratic Party, and 2) against Trump's NAZI Hitlerian-Josef Goebbels political doctrine to the effect of "Tell big lies and keep repeating them (If you tell a lie enough times, especially when it becomes socially a choral or viral lie, it acquires the guise of and acceptance as truth by many, or, at times, most)," DeSantis now perceives Chris Christie's mode of campaign as steadily gaining in voter and fundraising support within the GOP and cutting down his level and percentage of GOP support as the distant and precarious second-place GOP presidential candidate to first-place, leading GOP presidential candidate, by a huge margin, Doofus Donald Jail House Trump. It has been reported in the news that DeSantis has resorted to mis/using state of Florida taxpayer tax money to fund his flailing and failing candidacy for US president,Taxpayer-funded security for DeSantis jumped to $8 million as he launched presidential campaign | CNN PoliticsDeSantis Caught Using Taxpayer-Funded Florida State Vehicles to Campaign, DeSantis Receives Over $3M in Taxpayer Help for Campaign |  ( DeSantis Is Giving Away Florida Pension Money to Wall Street Donors (

The lesson of Chris Christie's GOP presidential candidacy campaign, as well as that of his GOP competitor candidate, similarly outspoken, Asa Hutchison, in significant part countervailing the continuing big-lie stolen-election, concerning the 2020 first reelection-bid, campaign of Trump, is that by his courageously and insistently telling the corroborated truth repeatedly, unflinchingly and tenaciously, the actual, corroborated truth can also rather rapidly come to be recognized and accepted broadly within the lately Trump-celebrity-cult-of-personality-mesmerized GOP for the face-value, obvious truth that it is and that it can contest, debunk and defeat the unfactual, factually uncorroborated, big-lie imposter-truth doctrine, story and campaign strategy of pathological liar, narcissistic-personality megalomaniac DJ Trump and his outlaw, treasonous band of accomplices in subversion of the US Constitution and the orderly and peaceful transfer of the presidency to the duly, newly officially elected US president. 

This facet of Christie’s and Hutchinson’s campaigns can be viewed and embraced as a virtuous public service by the cognizant and undeluded of the GOP as well as by others unaffiliated with the GOP. Christie’s steady effect gains him increasing voter traction and momentum with GOP voters as much of the GOP voter base increasingly comes to its/their rational senses and reason -- an effect probably accentuated by and perhaps also to accrue for his like-minded and similarly outspoken GOP fellow politicians and competitor presidential candidates such as Asa Hutchinson, Nikki Haley and Mike Pence on the matters of the Trump et al. stolen-election big lie and campaign and attempt to overturn, subvert, the 2020 official US presidential election result by multiple means and to subvert thereby the related US presidential election law and procedures of the US Constitution.