Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine -- Assaulted, Battered and Robbed, Then Extorted for Help and Rescue Assistance

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine -- Assaulted, Battered and Robbed, Then Extorted for Help and Rescue Assistance

It is wrong for POTUS Trump to request or demand from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the nation of Ukraine US ownership in its land of any kind or measure as compensation for past military assistance and therefrom still flowing assistance, granted to it, along with other European nations as a matter of principle and mutual security interest, in the past without prior notice then of such a predatory conditionality and under the preceding Biden US Presidency, an unprecedented and unscrupulous, vulture capitalism, predatory and corrupt request, not made by the assisting European nations. Implicitly Trump's co-ownership demand, as US President, is really for the financial benefit of US private-enterprise, big business raw-materials extraction and mining, processing, and production and products-making and seller companies, and their premium stockholders, and not for the US government, the US treasury and overall population of the USA. OBLIGATORY COMPENSATION (INCLUSIVE OF WAR REPARATIONS TO THE VICTIM NATION) SHOULD BE PAID TO THE VICTIM NATION AND ITS MILITARY AID NATION OR NATIONS BY ONLY THE WAR-INITIATING TRANSGRESSOR-AGGRESSOR NATION.

Moreover, any such imperial quid pro quo-preconditioned assistance demanded by a militarily assisting nation or set of them from an innocent victim nation of military attack and invasion by another nation for assisting that victim nation's combat against and defeat or removal of and armistice with the aggressor nation is unprecedented, wrong and corrupt. It is extortion for help and assistance for rescue.

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