US Vice President JD Vance Proves, with His Abysmal Legal Illogic Disputing the Authority of the Federal Judiciary to Make Rulings as to the Federal Unconstitutionality of the Distinctly Such Unconstitutional Acts of US President Donald Trump, that His Law Degree from Yale University Law School Is Thick-Shit Soiled Toilet Paper. To read the relevant chicanery he said, click on the following hyperlink:
It makes sense that such anti-woke, anti-DEI but legacy-white-privilege GOP-MAGA graduates from Yale University law school and Harvard University law school as JD Vance for the former and Ron DeSantis for the latter (who in federal court failingly attempted in Florida, as governor of the state of Florida, to command a certain social media platform to host on its private-enterprise mass-user publication platform persons and content it as a private-enterprise social media publication platform objected to as subversive and demagogic, in violation of that social media platform's US Constitutional right of freedom of the press and its related, own US Constitutional right of freedom of speech), whose words and actions in pursuing and holding public political office are woefully failing in evidencing on their part in the arena of real political life in the USA competent knowledge of and compliance with our USA Bill of Rights Constitution and USA Constitutional Democratic Bill of Rights Republic form of government, knowledge and understanding taught in and as basic civics and citizenship education throughout the USA, but apparently with exceptions in some jurisdictions. Apropos, the USA Constitution, the supreme body of law and charter of the USA government, yet applicable to the state and municipal levels of government, establishes and prescribes three separate but peer branches of the USA federal government, being the executive, legislative and judicial, each with its own set of authorities, duties and responsibilities. The primary role and mandate of the USA federal judiciary is to factually and impartially interpret and adjudicate USA Constitutional and USA Congressionally-legislated and -enacted statutory law, as well as to resolve conflicts between them in favor of supreme US Constitutional law, and to render decisions (judicial rulings) of violations and compliance with them with regard to persons and entities, with no exemptions, and render court orders to compel compliance and to impose punitive and compensatory sanctions for their violations and the harms caused by their violations. In this way, so to say, the judiciary is the umpire and referee, but more, system in calling the strikes, balls, fouls, safe and out base runs, etc., as in sports, in matters of law and lawfulness for and between parties of law-related conflicts, disputes or transgressions in USA society.
Even for the generals, to whom Vance make reference as an analogy, and all soldiers in the USA armed forces, who are indeed all subject to the US Uniform Code of Military Justice, and by international law of war, the Geneva Conventions, on which all US armed forces members undergo classroom as well as film education, they must execute their duties on and off of the combat arenas within the boundaries of sane warfare and conduct that is not debauchery, corrupt, depraved or heinous. Those in violation of these military bodies of law and rules of conduct are subject to relief or loss of command, court martial, suspension of service and/or rank and pay, demotion, incarceration, dishonorable discharge and more. USA military courts and their judge advocate system exercise control over the military conduct of the armed forces officer corps and enlisted soldiers or personnel from top to bottom and bottom to top. We swear allegiance to the US Constitution first and foremost and to protect and defend it from all enemies, high and low, foreign and domestic, from within and without, and retain the right and duty to disobey an unlawful order.
The titles and jobs of US president, US vice president, US congressional representative, US senator, US justices of the federal courts and the branches and duties, responsibilities and powers of the three branches of the US government are the creations and prescriptions of the USA Constitution. When anyone in such a position defies particularly US Constitutional law factually cited by the federal judiciary, that party is rejecting the legal legitimacy of and negating, and therein abdicating, his or her own public office and such title and rights and entitlement to its pay and other compensation. Our form of government is an E Pluribus Unum, egalitarian USA Constitutional Democratic Bill of Rights Republic, in which the US Constitution and its laws are preeminent and supersedent and rule the, rule our, nation, and it and the Bill of Rights it accords all citizens equally are unalienable and irrevocable in any part regardless of a vote to the contrary by a majority of the from election-to-election, ever-changing electorate or the such houses of the US Congress and the US president. In our constitutional form of government a voting majority of voters and its/their elected and subject unelected representatives and civil servants cannot diminish, restrict or abolish for minorities or individuals their held-in-common same constitutional and statutory law rights, which differentiates constitutional democracy from tyrannical and capricious majoritarian mobocracy.
DEI = E Pluribus Unum, ethnically, racially, socially and religiously without an hereditary or normatively entitled caste or system of stratification, with equal opportunity in social, educational and economic upward mobility for all, despite start-off advantages or disadvantages. The acronym DEI represents the words or term "diversity, equity and inclusion" in equal opportunity based on demonstrated or evidenced merit, typically in reference to selection and advancement in higher education and employment.
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