Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Trump’s Failed Election Fight-Back Strategy and Game Plan

Trump’s Failed Election Fight-Back Strategy and Game Plan

(See news article The Hill@thehill· 2h#BREAKING: Trump refuses to accept Biden victory, promises legal challenges


POTUS Donald J. Trump is a con artist who personally prides himself on being a brazen, in-your-face con man because, for him, on a win-to-lose ratio basis it is profitable for him, it is a viable business model writ large that has a high-frequency payoff for him and that sustains him quite well.

It's the core of his livelihood, stock-and-trade skillset.


Trump will use his transparently and absurd, to most people, false accusations of vote fraud and election stealing from him to both 1.), to try to win or pretend to try to win in and from the US Supreme Court what he lost in the democratic balloting process, by asking the US Supreme Court to disqualify the Biden-Harris winning margins of vote (Six of the 9 US Supreme Court justices are Republican conservatives and 3 of them were appointed by POTUS Trump, whose respective political-party affiliation or partisanship and [debt of] gratefulness to him, as applicable, for his appointments of them as justices on the Supreme Court, he hopes will induce or persuade them to put their partisan politics and [debt of] personal gratitude to him before the US Constitution and system of government leadership selection by election-and-balloting democracy), and 2.), to fundraise political or political-legal donations and grift, via the fake or dishonest cause of political-grievance litigation, from his voting bloc in part to do the former or pretend to do the former. (It is not illegal to publicly make [propagandistic] false allegations that are not statutorily ((by-law)) or administratively false testimony in official or sworn documents or vocally to or before designated law-enforcement personnel, including law-enforcement investigators, in courts and before justices of government courts [who require substantiation or corroboration in the form of material or circumstantial evidence or proof], so it is common for some defendants, some of their attorneys and some personally non-slanderous accusers, including Trump, politicians and lawyers, to utter such lies publicly, until they testify under oath and penalty of perjury as described.) Trump seems to use and exploit his every howl and grievance issue to fundraise and presumably to grift. He's no Gipper; he's the grifter.


Trump would like the US Supreme Court to rule that balloting by mail, which he has criticized as corruption and fraud fraught for the 2020 election but not for his 2016 presidential election or any election before or since it, is unconstitutional and not protected by federal Congressional statutory law, although it is authorized by state law and he and millions of US citizens, from the top through bottom of the social classes, have regularly voted by mail in the past to the present time, because, for the 11-03-2020 presidential and national elections, he and GOP leaders encouraged Republican voters to vote in person and Democratic Party leaders encouraged their voters to vote by mail, given the COVID-19 pandemic situation and as a defense against incurring it for voters, as the first voting option and in person as the second option, with the sociological voting effect of these different political party recommendations being that Republican voters dominated the in-person voting, favoring Trump-Pence, and Democratic Party voters dominated the by-mail voting, favoring Biden-Harris. However, the US Consitution grants the states the authority to make the laws governing voting procedures, providing, in view of the 14th and 19th amendments of the US Constitution and federal statutory law against racially, etc., discriminatory state laws and practices, they are equitable and their time frames for these are federally lawful [and reasonable].


Expectedly, his team-player (or teammate), shyster personal attorney Looney Rudy Giuliani will be on the payroll disbursement end of the fundraising for this purpose or enterprise.


A bit of good, pro-democracy news on the Trumpian-GOP publicly discussed strategy of alternatively securing reelection of Trump as US President through the Electoral College vote by having the state legislatures with Republican Party legislator majorities in swing states -- that the Biden-Harris presidential ticket won the popular vote majorities in, that conferred to the Biden-Harris ticket the electoral votes for those swing states -- to change their state law conferring the state's electoral votes, normally going to the majority popular-vote-winning presidential ticket, to a new law giving the state legislature the exclusive right to grant the state's electoral votes, by GOP majority vote of the GOP-dominated legislature, to whichever candidate ticket the GOP-dominated legislature arbitrarily chooses. By this change of the electoral-vote allocation in the concerned swing states with a legislature with a GOP-dominated majority, the Trump-GOP strategy was for them to give their states' electoral votes, purely GOP Political Party partisanly, to the Trump-Pence ticket, which would reelect the GOP Trump-Pence presidential ticket.


However, I read an article on this strategy, on a conservative online news site, that explained it was moot for this year's presidential election, year 2020, because in the 1890s the US Congress passed a law on this same issue providing, in effect and paraphrase, that any such change of state law had to be passed prior to a particular presidential election and was not retroactively applicable to a preceding election (that is, if it were passed after a given, concerned presidential election).  Moreover, the GOP-dominated legislature of the swing state of Pennsylvania, whose majority of popular presidential-candidate votes were won by the presidential-candidate ticket of Biden-Harris, was the first to publicly reject and repudiate the concerned tactic to overturn the will of the majority of voters of Pennsylvania.   The GOP-dominated legislatures of the swing states of Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, whose majorities of the popular votes the Biden-Harris presidential ticket won, also publicly rejected and repudiated this tactic.  Commendably, in reference to the democratic-republic form of government of the USA and its states, these GOP-dominated state legislatures thereby have safeguarded the will-of-the-majority-vote indirect democracy, via the classical Republican model of representative democracy, of the Electoral College elector votes and system of voting to elect the president of the USA, electoral votes primarily allocated on a per-state basis to the majority or plurality popular vote winner of the presidential vote of the state, of the individual states.  

(As of Friday, 11-20-2020, Trump and team are yet overtly trying to woo, personally, the leaders of the GOP legislatures in these states to subscribe to this tactic to overturn the will of the voter majority and redirect their states' presidential electoral votes to reelecting Trump as US President in the official Electoral College-vote of Monday, 12-14-2020 for electing the US President from among the presidential candidates.  Where this effort by Trump and team to woo GOP legislative leaders with legislatures dominated by Republicans in the swing states, whose majority voters voted for Biden-Harris for President-VP and earned the latter their states' electoral votes, fails to persuade them to change their electoral laws so they can arbitrarily re-allocate their states' electoral votes retroactively, vis a vis the 11-03-2020 presidential-plus elections, to the losing presidential candidates Republicans Trump-Pence, Trump and Team are tapping the RNC and concerned state Republican Parties to appeal to them to do the same or disrupt the pending vote-tally certifications, the official state end-points, of the presidential election that is precedent to the 12-14-2020 protocol, official Electoral College finalized electoral vote, predetermined based on the electoral votes won by the Biden-Harris versus the Trump-Pence presidential-VP tickets for election of the US President for 2020.  Trump, team and GOP organs are variously also imploring state-level election officials and filing frivolous lawsuits in state and federal courts to stall, stay and disrupt vote-tally certifications of the swing-state elections for President-VP won by Biden-Harris, all indicatively so there will be no state-level official vote-tally certification of a Presidential-VP winner for the concerned swing states won by Biden-Harris by 12-14-2020, the official Electoral College vote day and final vote-tally certification day for President-VP, as well as for the official Electoral College declaration of the winner, with the result that either the GOP-dominated legislatures of the concerned swing states thereby will nevertheless be [presumably lawfully] able to arbitrarily allocate their until-then officially uncertified states' electoral votes on that crucial day [to fellow Republicans Trump-Pence] or the Electoral College will not be able able to proceed with an Electoral College election on that day for US President-VP owing to a shortfall of certified vote tallies and electoral vote allocations from some states, among all 50 states of the USA, for conducting its election and officially declaring the elected US President, which might land adjudication for a remedy to the 2020 US presidential election in the jurisdiction of the US Supreme Court or the US Congress, or worse (a more divisive, socially-politically disordered, broken USA).  It also appears that they are trying concurrently to trump up and seize on an election grievance legality (legal technicality) to take the 2020 US presidential election result to trial before the US Supreme Court, in which to also argue for it to strike down, as federally unconstitutional, the Congressional law of the late 1800s outlawing the retroactive application of changes in state laws governing [the allocation of] state presidential electoral votes.) 

Meanwhile, Trump and his political team are deploying every means -- federal agency, state government, court-action, communications media, human, political figure and disinformation -- at their disposal to disparage and try to cast discredit on the validity of and invalidate and overturn the Biden-Harris election wins in the presidential-election deciding swing states.

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